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Hay Day Items

There are several categories of Hay Day items that can be purchased in Hay Day which are fields, animals, shelters, trees, bushes, productions buildings, service buildings and decorations. All of them can be bought at shop - it can be accessed by touching the cash register icon on the bottom left of the screen. There are 5 categories at shop which allows you to access certain types of Hay Day items and they are "fields and animal shelters", "animals, "production/service buildings", "trees and bushes" and "decorations". Players can purchase those goods via clicking and dragging them onto available space in the farm or the town. All items can be bought with certain amount of proper currency. Looking for virtual goods connected with Hay Day Items? Or maybe you have spare ones that you want to get rid of? You are in the right place! Check MMOAuctions for the most actual offers from players and traders worldwide! Trader seems not to be trustworthy? Try our special feature allowing you to prevent scammers - Scamkiller!