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Hay Day Coins

  Currency in Hay Day comes in four kinds: coins, diamonds, vouchers and gift cards. All of them are used to buy every good in the game. Main and most commonly used currency in Hay Day Coins. They are used to buy farm items from other players, from NPC shops and to unlock new areas. Player is starting with 350 coins in their wallet. There are various ways to obtain Hay Day Coins. You can complete truck, boat and town orders, sell items to other players and vendors, find coins in the mystery boxes, spin the wheel of fortune or pop Tom's balloons. You can also buy coins with real money or exchange diamonds with ratio of 10 coins for 1 diamond. The price of item purchased with coins may depend on player's level and the number of identical items already owned. Looking for Hay Day Coins? Or maybe want to get rid of spare Hay Day Gold coins? Check MMOAuctions for the latest offers connected with Hay Day or set up your own offer in less than 60 seconds!