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Age of Conan Accounts

In the world of Hyboria on Age of Conan Accounts, players can choose from five characters: King Conan, Keaira, Thoth Amon, Kalanthes, Kern Wolfeye and twelve different classes: Barbarian, Assassin, Bear Shaman, Conqueror, Dark Templar, Demonologist, Guardian, Herald of Xotli, Necromancer, Priest of Mitra, Ranger, Tempest of Set. The classes in AoC Accounts have little true resemblance to anything you’ve played before. Each class is different and unique. And each of them requires different items based on level of your character. MMOAuctions provides you the easiest way to obtain Age of Conan Accounts called also AoC Accounts! Also try our Scamkiller function which gives you an opportunity to keep your transactions safe!