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For Honor Steel

For Honor Steel is the main and most commonly used currency in the game. For Honor Steel can be used to purchase gear through crates, to activate XP-boosting Champion Status, to buy new heroes, emotes and executions, and also to upgrade or change looks of your currently possessed gear. For Honor Steel can be obtained through variety of activities, but the main sources of steel are daily orders and contract orders which allows you to earn one hundred to three hundred steel at once. Completion of advanced tutorial will grant you 1500 steel but it can not be repeated. Also every match that you are going to play will reward you with some steel. You won't be able to get everything by spending steel - some rewards are earned based on your time spent in game and accomplishments you've done in For Honor. Looking for virtual goods connected with For Honor Steel? You are in the right place! Check MMOAuctions for the most actual offers connected with For Honor!