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Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Siege Renown

Main and most commonly used currency in Tom Clancy's is Rainbow Six Renown. It is used to unlock all Operators as well as attachments and skins featured in the game. Rainbow Six Siage Renown can be obtained through multiplayer matches and Terrorist Hunt, but it can also be obtained in different ways. Four tiers of operators can be unlocked using renown with price ranging from 500 to 2000 renown respectively. Players may obtain 800 renown for free by viewing tutorial, which is worth 200 renown, and for watching all of the available videos, worth another 200 renown. 200-350 renown will be granted for completed daily challenges. Weapon attachments can be purchased with Rainbow Six Renown ranging from 50 to 250, depending on the item. Looking for virtual goods connected with Rainbow Six Siage Renown? You are in the right place! Check MMOAuctions for the most actual Rainbow Six Siage Renown offers from players and traders worldwide!