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StarCraft II Portraits

StarCraft 2 Portraits are items used as a reward. They are connected with certain activities performed in game. Player is granted four portraits at the beginning of StarCraft 2 journey. By finishing campaign from Wings of Liberty players is able to achieve fifteen new portraits, Heart of Swarm will grant player another twelve portraits and finishing Legacy of the Void gives player an opportunity to achieve another fourteen portraits. StarCraft 2 Portraits will also be granted for reaching solo achievements, team achievements, and leveling up - the rewards will be connected with races, which have been used to achieve another milestones. There are also many random portraits to be achieved. Looking for StarCraft 2 Portraits? You are in the right place! Check MMOAuctions for the most actual StarCraft 2 Portraits offers connected, or set up your own offer in less than 60 seconds!