11.05.2020 2
War Mode is a great team-focused match type in PUBG. It's entirely focused around getting kills and it allows the players to respawn and jump back into the fray.
27.04.2020 0
Many of us, Clashers, wish to have so many CoC villages, that it would make the whole 15-man CWL clan. Imagine - total control, no insubordination, full commitment. Is it possible? Yes, and we'll tell you how.
09.04.2020 0
Football - or soccer - is not only about running around and scoring goals. It's also about running the team. Here we present you with the best football manager games.
07.04.2020 0
Dota 2 allows players to change the looks of the game and its features in many aspects. Check out how to do that with our modding guide!
06.04.2020 0
One of the biggest questions asked by many PUBG players is whether they can play cross-platform or not. Come inside to get the answers.
01.04.2020 0
Learn about the longest and the shortest games in Dota 2 history and see how long it took some players to achieve the victory!
01.04.2020 0
Learn everything that you need to know before you will play the game of Dota 2 and become better than all new players with just one guide!
29.03.2020 0
There are lots of secrets about PUBG that players won't tell you about. Hop in here and find out what the deal is about!
26.03.2020 0
Coaching and being coached can be a very complicated process. Learn the in and outs of coaching, on both sides of the issue!
19.03.2020 0
We keep hearing and reading that League of Legends is a dying game. What's the truth? Today we'd like to analyze some key aspects of the game, and its current shape.
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