FlyFF Penya

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FlyFF Penya

Main and the most commonly used currency in the game is FlyFF Penya. Penya is used basicaly for purchasing goods from NPC's, other players' private shops and buying on the market. Usual base unit for trading with other players in Flyff is 1000 penya (1k). There is also a certain Jester class skill known as Penya Strike - for every 1 damage you have dealt it consumes 1 penya - it's the most powerful Jester skill and second strongest move in FlyFF. You can obtain FlyFF Penya in several ways such as killing monsters and making quests. One of the easiest ways to make money is to buy Gpotatoes. This is an item shop currency in Flyff which requires you to spend real money on it - however it can be sold at huge prices. With 100 Gpotatoes you can get even 25 milions of FlyFF Penya, depending on the server where you play. Looking for Flyff Penya? You are in the right place! Check MMOAuctions for the most actual offers from players worldwide!