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FarmVille Coins

FarmVille's main currency is called Coin. FarmVille Coins can be used to purchase items on the market including seeds, trees, animals, decorations, buildings, farm expansions and more. FarmVille Coins are not required to send gifts to neighbors. Farm's efficiency can be presented as coins per square per day. For example Dairy Farm filled with 40 belted cows produces 120.000 coins per square per day. Apart from coins there is also another currency which is FarmVille Cash. It can be used to buy variety of things - sometimes an item can be bought both with coins and with cash. FarmVille cash is obtained via real money transaction - this is main income source for FarmVille and it allows you to buy items reserved only for players that spent real-money. Looking for FarmVille gold coins? Check MMOAuctions for the latest offers connected with FarmVille!