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Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC) is a medieval fantasy MMORPG developed by Mythic Entertainment. First released in 2001. Now Available on MMOAuctions! The story is taking place after the death of King Arthur, the world of DAoC is divided between three rivaling nations vying for control of the world. Choose from 21 races and 45 classes! PvP is a massive battleground where the three nations meet and fight in objective combat, for control of keeps and land. The world is rich with lore, based on Arthurian, Norse, and Celtic mythology, with areas inspired by real world places. Engage in a player economy, and earn gold to purchase your own house, setting up shop to harvest the market with sophisticated goods from your travels. Dark Age of Camelot had seven expansions offering a huge amount of content. Looking for DAoC account or items? Check MMOAuctions for the latest offers from traders all around the world!